Wednesday, June 19, 2024

2024 Week 20 - Taking Care of Business

             Occupations of my ancestors – I touched on this during Week 6 where I highlighted those that I knew or came from census records. 

       However, there were some home-based businesses that my mother and I participated in.  My mom sold Avon in the 1970’s.  I helped her put together her orders every other week for delivery to her customers.  I did direct sales as well (in fact I still do!).  I started out with Enrich International in about 1997 which became Unicity before they went bankrupt in 2004.  I only had a few customers – most of the sales were for personal use.  This was an herbal supplement company that expanded into other countries.  Then I moved on to another Direct Sales company known as Weekenders.  This was a clothing line that had a core line that was basic clothing (skirts, slacks, tops, & jackets) that packed well.  This company went bankrupt as well (they kept expanding the clothing line and then focused on the young generation) in 2008.  Here again, most of my sales were personal use until they no longer carried the type of clothes that were suitable for business attire.  I decided then not to do any more direct sale companies.  I said no for a long time.  Then I was introduced to Tastefully Simple.  They had a program that I could join for minimal cost and only have to do $200 in sales per quarter.  That was easy – I usually spent about $60 a month on items to do freezer meals.  So, I signed

up in 2014 (after purchasing from them for about 2 years).  I am still involved with them through the various changes the company has gone through.  I usually have a table at various bazaars and swap meets throughout the year.  I make enough to give me spending money for fun activities like bowling, gambling, and genealogy.  I have a blog that I use to focus on some of the meals that I prepare using the products as well as a Facebook page.  You should check them out sometime.

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