Tuesday, May 28, 2024

2024 Week 14 - Favorite Recipes

         Oh my!  My all-time favorite was Papa’s Rice Pudding.  He never wrote it down so it has been lost.  But I remember it having rice and raisins.  It was thick.  Although, when I was going through my aunt’s stuff after she passed away, I think I found it.  Haven’t tried it to see if it looks and tastes like I remember.

Other favorites include Rhubarb Brown Betty.  Mom would make this a lot in the summer when the rhubarb was ripe for pickin’.  While it was still warm, we would have a scoop of vanilla ice cream put on it.  I’ve made this a few times myself but it doesn’t seem to be the same.

Another favorite dessert recipe was Mom’s Tapioca Pudding.  She made this a lot as well, especially when we had lots of milk on hand.  We had a single dairy cow that provided us with all the raw milk we could drink, as well as cream to make our own butter.  We made that butter using an old-fashioned butter churn.  It would be placed in a brown paper bag and set next to our chair in the living room.  We would “pound” the cream while watching TV in the evenings.  It was similar to this picture – but the base was brown and the lid was made of wood.

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