June 24, 2014 - We had a busy morning with turning in our entries, auction baskets & cookies. We also turned in items for the Youth Departments Keep Washington Warm Project.
Committee work started at 10 am and most were done by 11. This will be presented to the Delegate body over the next couple of days to be voted on.
This afternoon was the Memorial Service for Past Masters and their spouses plus a roll call memorial. It was a very beautiful ceremony.
We then had a fashion show that included two of our own members. They started in the 1970's and went backwards to the pioneer days.
Then we had a reenactment of the very first State Grange meeting. This was entertaining and some topics haven't changed.
The evening ended with a bake sale auction and an old fashioned square dance.
June 25, 2014 - It was a very long day. Opening ceremonies included the Master's address, approving lots of minutes, and adopting lots of things pertaining to the session.
Some committee reports were finalized and we voted on them and any resolutions they had.
Then we broke for a picnic lunch at Vancouver Landing (next to the hotel). At least the weather was cooperative.
The afternoon was filled with Degree work. The First Degree was done in the tradition of 1889. Wow, it was really different.
Alice & I took some time off and went to Ft Vancouver to enjoy the day. Here is just a couple of photos - one of the fort site and one of the mansions on Officer Row.

We came back in time for the evening Degree work. The Rose Drill was beautiful.
June 26 - Today was another long day.
I attended the Family Living Celebration Breakfast. Awards were presented to Subordinates and Pomonas.
The morning session was filled with more committee reports and voting on resolutions. Today had some hot topics in Grange Law & State Legislative. Oh, there were new attendees - each of the State Officers had a critter at their station. By noon, one was kidnapped and held for ransom by the Youth Department. In the afternoon, another one was kidnapped. Haven't heard if a ransom note has been issued or not.
Lots of laughter, especially over the the critters.
Back to the meeting . . . we had a Guest Speaker in the morning - Jack Field, Executive Director of Washington Cattlemen Assoc. He talked about EPA, Clean Water Act, and WOTUS.
Granger of the Year was awarded during our morning session.
We were supposed to have our Group Photo today but the weather was not cooperative so it has been postponed to tomorrow.
The afternoon included approving yesterday's minutes, more committee reports, entertainment and another speaker. George Caan, WPUDA Executive Director. Did you know that the Grange was very instrumental in the creation of PUDs?.
We finished off the evening with the Celebration Banquet and live auction. Our Grange received a Certificate of Appreciation from the State Membership Director for signing up 2 new members in the last year.
We also took some time out to check out the Lecturer's and Family Living Displays. Contest entries were checked out and we have several blue ribbons, a First Place and 3rd Place Ribbons in sewing (congrats to Joyce Kludt).
June 27 - Red Tennis Shoe day . . . there were a lot visible as well as a lot of red shirts. This was in honor of JR Day.
We started the morning out with more Committee reports, hearing from our National representatives and hearing from Rep Ed Orcutt from the 20th Legislative District. We also honored two Granges for having 100 years of continuous attendance at Convention.
Noon started with the Ice Cream Social by the Junior Grange. Yummy!
Afternoon session had us finishing up the Committee reports, approving yesterday's minutes and final Lecturer's Program. We also had a presentation by the Juniors the results of their year long fund raiser for the Summit Assistance Dogs. They raised $2,191.91! Our guest speaker was Bud Hover, Dept of Agriculture Director.
We finished off with a group photo taken at Vancouver Landing. There is the State Grange Talent Contest this evening.
Tomorrow will be our last day.
June 28 - Final day. The Youth and Juniors did their rituals and awards. The afternoon was installation and a fun program put on by the Has Beens. I'm so glad this is over for another year. Tomorrow will be our travel day home.
June 28 - Final day. The Youth and Juniors did their rituals and awards. The afternoon was installation and a fun program put on by the Has Beens. I'm so glad this is over for another year. Tomorrow will be our travel day home.
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